It is said that an institution never grows by itself. For any institution or organization worth its name, the contribution and the far sighted visions of its founding fathers go long way in its life. The Wagle Estate Education Society is proud of its founding fathers, though more than half of them have left this world. This is the time for us to remember with gratitude those pious souls and continue with their long vision and noble thoughts. How can we forget the close association of late Mr. E. P. Menon, Late Dr. M. M. Nathani, Late Mr. V. M. Gopi, Late Mr. Govind Satwara, Late Mr. A. J. Nair, Late Mr. T. Prabhakaran and Mr. Bhagwant Singh. We are glad that out of the remaining six founder members, three are still active with the Gov. Council, namely, Mr. A. P. Nanu, Mr. Davis Francis and Mr. Uttamsingh Chauhan though the other three namely Mr. K. Surendran, Mr. A. V. Jose and Mr. S. Gangadharan Nair are not actively associated with us since they have left this city long back. In addition to these founder members there were other few selfless and likeminded people like Mr. Karunakaran Nair, Late Mr. Shivshankar Menon of MSEB, Mr. T. Natarajan, and Mr. P. V. Jose etc. who also assisted the founder members in their initial stage of struggle.
Though they were not members of the Society at that point of time, they have extended their whole hearted support and co-operation in all the efforts of the founders and subsequently Mr. Karunakaran Nair and Mr. P. V. Jose joined the Society as Life Members. At this juncture it is worth mentioning the special efforts taken by Mr. K. Ramchandran, Mr. Madanlal Sharma and Mr. P. V. Jose in modernizing the institution to its present stage.