
Independence Day and Re-public Day

We celebrate I. Day and Re-public Day every year with great enthusiasm. We also utilize this occasion for honouring academically meritorious students and also other culturally talented students.

Annual Day and Annual Sports Meet

We conduct Annual Days on grand scale. We give enough opportunities for our children to bring out their hidden talents during these celebrations and all the annual days conducted so far were appreciated and applauded by one and all.

Annual Sports Meet

Annual Sports Meet is an yearly event which is normally conducted in the month of December. We do encourage sports activities among our students though we lack a full fledged sports ground. We also make it a point to invite eminent V I P form Police Dept. to take the salute during ceremonial parade.

Annual Exhibition

Annual exhibition is a regular feature in our institution and every time we select a new subject based on which exhibition is held. This also gives our students a chance to know more about such subjects which are not taught in the class room. Every time when the exhibition is arranged, thousands of parents and well-wishers visit the same and appreciate the efforts taken by our staff and students.